AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Grand Cross (Thunder) Skill Pierce Physical
Grand Cross (Wind) Skill Pierce Physical
High Jump Lv5 (Fire) Skill Jump Physical
High Jump Lv5 (Water) Skill Jump Physical
Dark Res Down Passive - -
High Jump Lv5 (Wind) Skill Jump Physical
Lion Heart (Fire) Skill Slash Physical
Lion Heart (Water) Skill Slash Physical
Lion Heart (Thunder) Skill Slash Physical
Lion Heart (Wind) Skill Slash Physical
Head Snipe (Fire) Skill Missile Physical
Head Snipe (Water) Skill Missile Physical
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Head Snipe (Thunder) Skill Missile Physical
Head Snipe (Wind) Skill Missile Physical
Arrow Rain (Fire) Skill Missile Physical
Arrow Rain (Water) Skill Missile Physical
Arrow Rain (Thunder) Skill Missile Physical
Arrow Rain (Wind) Skill Missile Physical
Flame Breath Skill Magic Physical
Bubble Breath Skill Magic Physical
Air Breath Skill Magic Physical
Spark Breath Skill Magic Physical
Flame Ink Skill Magic Magical
Ice Ink Skill Magic Magical
Wind Ink Skill Magic Magical
Thunder Ink Skill Magic Magical
I called out to my friends in anger over the garbage. Skill - -
Tackle (Fire) Skill Strike Physical
Tackle (Water) Skill Strike Physical
Tackle (Wind) Skill Strike Physical
Tackle (Thunder) Skill Strike Physical
Roaring Flame Ink Skill Magic Magical
Ice Waterfall Ink Skill Magic Magical
Strong Wind Ink Skill Magic Magical
Thunderstorm Ink Skill Magic Magical
Octopus' Protection (Slash) Passive - -
Octopus' Protection (Pierce/JUMP) Passive - -
Octopus' Protection (Missile) Passive - -
Octopus' Protection (Magic) Passive - -
Cross Flare Skill Magic Magical
Cross Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Cross Blast Skill Magic Magical
Cross Spark Skill Magic Magical
Ink Hardening Reaction - -
Counter Ink Reaction Magic Magical
Super Winged Onslaught Skill Strike Physical
Firestorm Winged Onslaught Skill Strike Physical
Whirlpool Winged Onslaught Skill Strike Physical
Wind-Rush Winged Onslaught Skill Strike Physical