AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Reaper's Echo X Skill Slash Magical
True Magic Weakening Dance Skill - -
True Weakening Dance Skill - -
Ruinous Lethal Bringer [Mag] Skill Slash Physical
Ruinous Lethal Bringer [Phys] Skill Slash Physical
Close Quarters Guard Stance Skill - -
5% Auto Heal Passive - -
Raise Team Healing While LS Lives Passive - -
Long-Range Laser Skill Magic Magical
Negate Dmg x999 Skill - -
Breath of Death Skill Magic Magical
Burst Force+ Skill Missile Physical
Grand Cross+ Skill Pierce Physical
All ATK Down Passive - -
PDEF, MDEF, AGI Down Passive - -
Max HP Up Passive - -
Arm-Slashing Blow Skill Slash Physical
Eye-Gouging Blow Skill Slash Physical
Armor-Crushing Blow Skill Slash Physical
Numbing Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Foot-Piercing Shot Skill Missile Physical
Slow Blow Skill Missile Physical
First Base Leader Passive - -
First Base Leader Passive - -
First Base Leader Passive - -
It's an Enemy Assault! Skill - -
It's an Enemy Assault! Skill - -
It's an Enemy Assault! Skill - -
Normal Attack (Minotaur) Attack Slash Physical
Blackout Throwing Axe - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Aurora Throwing Axe - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Hurricane Throwing Axe - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Galvanic Throwing Axe - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Tidal Throwing Axe - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Scorching Throwing Axe - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Blackout Spinning Axe Skill Slash Physical
Aurora Spinning Axe Skill Slash Physical
Hurricane Spinning Axe Skill Slash Physical
Galvanic Spinning Axe Skill Slash Physical
Tidal Spinning Axe Skill Slash Physical
Scorching Spinning Axe Skill Slash Physical
Core's Essence Passive - -
Core's Essence Passive - -
Core's Essence Passive - -
Core's Essence Passive - -
Damage to Core Skill - -
Damage to Core Skill - -
Damage to Core Skill - -
Damage to Core Skill - -
Falling Blade Skill Slash Physical