AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Judith Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Judith Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Judith Specific Equipment Item - -
Juggernaut Skill Slash Physical
Juggernaut Skill Slash Physical
Juggernaut Skill Slash Physical
Juggernaut+ Skill Slash Physical
Juggernaut+ Skill Slash Physical
Julia Memento Stats Item - -
Julia Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Julia Trial Field Buff Skill - -
Julia Trial Field Buff Skill - -
Julia-only Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Julia-only Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Jump & Pierce Res Bonus [Stackable] Skill - -
Jump ATK Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Jump ATK Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Jump DEF Down [Permanent] Skill - -
Jump DEF Up [Permanent] Skill - -
Jump Lv1 Skill Jump Physical
Jump Lv1 Skill Jump Physical
Jump Lv2 Skill Jump Physical
Jump Lv2 Skill Jump Physical
Jump Lv3 Skill Jump Physical
Jump Lv3 Skill Jump Physical
Jump Lv4 Skill Jump Physical
Jump Lv4 Skill Jump Physical
Jump Lv5 Skill Jump Physical
Jump Lv5 Skill Jump Physical
Jump Res +1~999 [100 Levels] Passive - -
Jump Sanction Skill Jump Physical
Jump Start Skill Strike Physical
Jump/Pierce Adaptation Reaction - -
Jump/Pierce Dampening Skill - Physical
Jump/Pierce Dampening Skill - Physical
Jumped the Gun, Huh? Skill - None
Jumper Passive - -
Jumping Shift Skill Slash Physical
Jupiter Lorelei Skill Strike Magical
Just Hangin' Around Passive - -
Just My Baby Face Passive - -
Just One Isn't Enough, Squeak! Skill - -
Just Peacekeeper Passive - -
Just Returning the Favor! Reaction Magic Magical
Just a Little More! Skill - Magical
Justice Armor Item - -
Justice Clad in Flame Reaction - -
Justice Greaves Item - -
Justice Served Passive - -
Justice Shield Item - -