AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
The Unexpected Friendship Passive - -
Movement of the Actor Passive - -
Musings of the Seer Passive - -
Providence Passive - -
Providence Passive - -
Thawing Swipes Skill Slash Physical
Thawing Swipes Skill Slash Physical
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Eye of Argus Item - -
[Redemption] Flaming Trine Skill Magic Magical
Energized Start Passive - -
What Could Have Been Passive - -
Memento Buff Passive - -
Defense Against Darkness Passive - -
Couple's Heartbeat Passive - -
Charm of the Bride Passive - -
Grit of the Bridegroom Passive - -
Pegasus Steel Skill Slash Magical
To Love and To Cherish Skill Missile Physical
To Love and To Cherish Skill Missile Physical
Till Death Do Us Part Skill Slash Physical
Till Death Do Us Part Skill Slash Physical
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Brass Rose Item - -
Bride's Pledge Skill - -
Groom's Pledge Skill - -
Bride's Pledge Skill - -
Groom's Pledge Skill - -
Arduous Adventures Passive - -
A Snowy Yearning Passive - -
Unexpected Popularity Passive - -
An Eggstraordinary Discovery Passive - -
Awaken to Power Passive - -
Halcyon Days Passive - -
Resistance 02 + Death Sentence Passive - -
Jewel Regen (Passive) Passive - -
Mystical Egg Item - -
Anti-Missile Pendant Item - -
Vial of Tears Item - -
Salt Salve Item - -
Water of Lore Passive - -
Blue Crystal Rose Passive - -
Presents for Everyone Skill - -
Snowman Top Hat Item - -
Setsuna Novel Memento Item - -
Swift as the Wind Skill - -
Wadatsumi's Sealing Force Passive - -
Dancing on Sand Passive - -