AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Insignia of Faith Passive - -
Insignia of the Sand Hawks Item - -
Insomnia Dreaming Skill - -
Inspire Skill - -
Inspiring Incense Passive - -
Inspiring Marksman Passive - -
Inspiring Presence Passive - -
Inspiring Presence Passive - -
Instant Blastoff Splash! Passive - -
Instant Blastoff! Passive - -
Instant Megiddo Skill Magic Magical
Instant Megiddo Skill Magic Magical
Instant Motion Leg Skill Strike Physical
Instant Seal "Zanbalari" Skill Slash Physical
Instant Shield Skill - -
Instant Shield Skill - -
Instant Speed Skill - -
Instinctive Lash Reaction Slash Physical
Instructor!!! Skill - -
Instructor!!! Skill - -
Instructor's Spirit! (While Instructor is around, Isis's Guts at 100%) Skill - -
Integral Barrier Passive - -
Integral Guardian Skill - -
Intellectual Fireworks Skill - -
Intellectual Persona Passive - -
Intense Spike Skill Missile Physical
Intensive Patient Therapy Skill - -
Intent to Save Skill - -
Intention Mesosphere Skill - -
Intercept Squeak Skill Magic Magical
Intercept Squeak Skill Magic Magical
Intercept Squeak Skill Magic Magical
Intercept Squeak Skill Magic Magical
Intercept Squeak Skill Magic Magical
Intercepting Stance Skill - -
Interference Skill - -
Interlaced Fingers Passive - -
Internal Havoc Skill Strike Physical
Interrogator Skill - -
Interrupt Spark Additional Missile Physical
Interruption Counter Reaction Special Physical
Interrupts Casting & resets CT (All Units) Skill - -
Intersecting Blowing Flame Skill Magic Magical
Intersecting Calamitous Winds Skill Magic Magical
Intersecting Firestorm Skill Magic Magical
Intersecting Maelstrom Skill Magic Magical
Intersecting Refraction Skill Magic Magical
Intersecting Rings of Light Skill Magic Magical
Intersecting Thunder Skill Magic Magical
Intersecting Thunder Skill Magic Magical