AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Hundred Arrows Skill Missile Physical
Hungry Ensemble Passive - -
Hungry Thorn Draws Skill Slash Physical
Hungry Wolf Skill - Physical
Hungry Wolf Skill - Physical
Hungry Wolf Cape Item - -
Hungry Wolf Cape Item - -
Hungry Wolf Cape Item - -
Hungry Wolf Cape Item - -
Hungry Wolf Hostia Skill - -
Hungry Wolf Lightning Claw Skill Pierce Physical
Hungry Wolf Thunder Claw Skill Pierce Physical
Hungry Wolf's Desire Passive - -
Hungry Wolf's Speared Fangs Reaction - -
Hungry Wolf's Speared Fangs Reaction Pierce Physical
Hungry Wolf's Thunder Fang Skill Pierce Physical
Hungry Wolf's Thunder Fang Skill Pierce Physical
Hunter Fest Skill - -
Hunter Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Hunter Marionette Skill - -
Hunter's Eyes Skill Missile Physical
Hunter's Eyes Skill Missile Magical
Hunter's Eyes (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Missile Physical
Hunter's Eyes (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Missile Physical
Hunter's Eyes (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Missile Physical
Hunter: JLv01 Passive - -
Hunter: JLv02 Passive - -
Hunter: JLv03 Passive - -
Hunter: JLv04 Passive - -
Hunter: JLv05 Passive - -
Hunter: JLv06 Passive - -
Hunter: JLv07 Passive - -
Hunter: JLv08 Passive - -
Hunter: JLv09 Passive - -
Hunter: JLv10 Passive - -
Hunter: JLv11 Passive - -
Hunting Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Hunting Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Hunting Cape Item - -
Hunting Growl Skill - -
Hunting Growl Skill - -
Hunting Howl Skill - -
Hunting Shift Passive - -
Hunting of Impundulu Skill - -
Hurray for Girls! Skill - -
Hurricane Passive - -
Hurricane Breath Skill Magic Physical
Hurricane Fracture Skill Slash Physical
Hurricane Fracture - Mind's Eye Skill Slash Physical
Hurricane Hawk Passive - -