AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Sephira's Battle Crater Passive - -
Sephira Well of Courage Passive - -
Sentiments of the Living Passive - -
Sentient Darkness Passive - -
Sensible Tassel Item - -
Sensible Sphere Item - -
Sensible Boots Item - -
Sensible Arm Item - -
Sense of Guilt Skill Special Physical
Sensational!! Additional - -
Senko Collision Passive - -
Senken Akashi Reaction Slash Physical
Senken Akashi Reaction Slash Physical
Senken Akashi Reaction Slash Physical
Senken Akashi Reaction Slash Physical
Senken Akashi Reaction Slash Physical
Senken Akashi Reaction Slash Physical
Senken - Fangs Reaction Slash Physical
Senju Loincloth Item - -
Seniteika (Wind) Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika (Water) Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika (Thunder) Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika (Fire) Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika Skill Strike Physical
Seniteika Skill Strike Physical
Semiautomatic Passive - -
Semi ☆ Squeak Skill Strike Physical
Selkie's Robe Passive - -
Seljuk's Sacred Ground Skill - -
Seljuk's Sacred Ground Skill - -
Selion Espada Skill Slash Physical
Selfless Gamma Burst Skill Magic Magical
Self-Timer Reaction - -
Self-Sacrifice Skill - -
Self-Respect Passive - -
Self-Regeneration Skill - -
Self-Regeneration Skill - -
Self-Regeneration Skill - -
Self-Regeneration Skill - -
Self-Regeneration Skill - -
Self-Enhance Reaction - -