AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Shine Tackle Attack Strike Physical
Shine Strike Skill Strike Physical
Shine Spin Skill Slash Physical
Shine Plus Skill Special Magical
Shine Grenade Skill - -
Shine Edge Skill Magic Magical
Shine Down Skill - -
Shine Disaster Skill Magic Magical
Shine Disaster Skill Magic Magical
Shine Disaster Skill Magic Magical
Shine Dimension Skill Magic Magical
Shine Dimension Skill Magic Magical
Shine Skill Magic Magical
Shimmering Fountain Skill - -
Shieldless Skill - Physical
Shielding Wish Passive - -
Shielding Feline Skill - -
Shielding Feline Skill - -
Shieldbreaker Testudo Skill Strike Physical
Shieldbreaker Testudo Skill Strike Physical
Shield-Penetrating Resonance Wave Skill Missile Physical
Shield-Crushing Heavenly Dance Skill - -
Shield-Crushing Dance Skill - -
Shield-Crushing Dance Skill - -
Shield's True Worth Passive - -
Shield of the Underdog Passive - -
Shield of the Underdog Passive - -
Shield of the Holy Guard Passive - -
Shield of Marcellus Reaction - -
Shield of Marcellus Reaction - -
Shield of Faith Passive - -
Shield of Equal Protection Skill - -
Shield of Destiny Passive - -
Shield Support! Skill - -
Shield Support Accepted! Reaction Special Physical
Shield Strike Skill - Physical
Shield Spike Skill Special Physical
Shield Smite+ Skill Strike Physical
Shield Smite Skill Strike Physical
Shield Smash Skill - Physical
Shield Shock Skill - Physical
Shield Shock Skill - Physical
Shield Reinforcement Skill Special Physical
Shield Reinforcement Skill Special Physical
Shield Prison Skill - -
Shield Mastery Passive - -
Shield Maiden's Declaration of War Skill - -
Shield Impact Skill Special Physical
Shield Hero Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Shield Deployment Skill - -