AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Heartbreaking Arrow Skill Missile Physical
Heartbreaking Evisceration Skill Slash Physical
Heartless Inquisitor Passive - -
Hearts Near and Far Passive - -
Heartwarming Light Passive - -
Heat Control Passive - -
Heat Haze Passive - -
Heat Up [2-Turn Enhance - Stackable] Reaction - -
Heat Wave Skill Magic Magical
Heat Wave Skill Magic Magical
Heat-Resistant Safety Boots Item - -
Heated Affection Passive - -
Heated Blade Skill Slash Physical
Heated Skirmish Sports Festival Passive - -
Heated Sword-Draw Skill Slash Physical
Heaven's Furious Judgment [Dark Style] Skill Slash Physical
Heaven's Grace Skill - -
Heaven's Grace for the Great Tree Passive - -
Heaven's Infinite Race Skill - -
Heaven's Infinite Race Skill - -
Heaven's Infinite Race Skill - -
Heaven's Infinite Race Skill - -
Heaven's Infinite Race Skill - -
Heaven's Race Skill - -
Heaven's Race Skill - -
Heaven's Race Skill - -
Heaven's Race Skill - -
Heaven's Raid Skill Missile Physical
Heaven-Piercing Spirit Passive - -
Heavenly Blaze Skill Special Physical
Heavenly Eye's Destructive Light Skill Slash Physical
Heavenly Eye's Destructive Light Skill Slash Physical
Heavenly Flame Skill Magic Magical
Heavenly Judgment Circulus Skill - -
Heavenly Judgment Circulus Skill - -
Heavenly Melusine Skill - -
Heavenly Palace Beast Skill - -
Heavenly Palace Beast Skill - -
Heavenly Palace Beast Skill - -
Heavenly Ring Overload Skill - -
Heavenly Rouge Harpy Skill - -
Heavenly Storm Skill Special Physical
Heavenly Strike Passive - -
Heavenly Strike Passive - -
Heavenly Thunder Skill Special Physical
Heavenly Wall Half Moon Skill - -
Heavenly Water Skill Special Physical
Heavenly Wind of Exousia Skill Magic Magical
Heavensguard Beast Spear Reaction - -
Heavensguard Beast Spear Reaction - -