AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Alkahestry Mastery Passive - -
Attack (Meliodas) Attack Strike Physical
Wrathful Retribution Skill - -
Revenge Counter Skill - -
Enchant Hell Blaze Skill Magic Magical
1000 Divine Cuts Skill Slash Physical
Demon Form Skill - -
Demon Form Skill - -
Demon Form Skill - -
Counter Vanish Skill - -
Wrathful Assault Skill Strike Physical
Valentine's Charm 3★ Item - -
Reprising Slash Skill Slash Physical
Attack (Demon Form Meliodas) Attack Strike Physical
Aerial Attack Skill Special Physical
Self-Regeneration Skill - -
Six Strikes Flurry Skill Slash Physical
Demonic Wave Skill Strike Physical
Wallop Reaction Strike Physical
Attack (King) Attack Pierce Physical
Spirit Spear Chastiefol Skill Pierce Physical
Guardian Skill - -
Fossilization Skill Pierce Physical
Wreath Retribution Skill Missile Physical
Sun-Flower Skill Missile Physical
Increase Skill Pierce Physical
Condense Power Skill Missile Physical
Rush Rock Skill Strike Physical
Status Promotion Skill - Physical
Pollen Garden Skill - -
Power Charge Skill - -
Floral Favor Reaction - -
Comrades' Cheer Passive - -
Will of the Fairy King Passive - -
Attack (Diane) Attack Strike Physical
Double Hammer Skill Strike Physical
Flail Skill Strike Physical
Meteoric Ascension Skill Strike Physical
Rising Meteor Skill Strike Physical
Heavy Metal Skill - -
Ground Gladius Skill Slash Physical
Sand Whirl Skill - -
[Exorcism] Fomalhaut Skill - -
Damsel's Cheer Skill - -
Solid Defense Reaction Strike Physical
The Seriousness of Titans Passive - -
Earthly Shield Passive - -
Attack (Emmel) Attack Strike Physical
[Heavenly Purification] Sirius Skill - -
[Cleansing Storm] Canopus Skill Magic Magical