AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Piercing Bolt Skill Missile Physical
Enduring Haze Reaction - -
Shadow Exposure Skill - -
Killing Blade Skill Slash Physical
Quick Binding Skill Slash Physical
Hidden Sword Skill Slash Physical
Nocturnal Bird Sword Skill Slash Physical
Dark Smoke Bomb Skill Special Physical
Flying Cicada Skill - -
Rising Cicada Skill - -
Shackled Seal Skill Slash Physical
Bandaged Seal Skill Slash Physical
Susanoo Skill - -
Ixion Blade Skill Slash Magical
Retribution Blade+ Skill Slash Physical
Field Bringer+ Skill Slash Physical
Reaper's Echo+ Skill Slash Physical
Blade of Retribution Skill Slash Physical
Strong Darkness Skill - -
Unlimited Abyss Skill Slash Physical
Blade of Destruction Skill Slash Physical
Blade of Elimination Skill Slash Physical
Hell Sacrifice Skill Slash Physical
Evil Hazard Skill Slash Physical
Lethal Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Zone Drive Passive - -
Shura's Grief Reaction - -
Crazed Abyss Skill Slash Physical
Ruin Break Skill Slash Physical
State of Heresy Skill - -
Heilung Eater Skill Magic Magical
Hell Note Skill Slash Physical
Crime Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Penalty Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Alternate Jurisdiction Skill Slash Physical
Raven Break Skill - Physical
Reaper's Oathblade Skill Slash Physical
Holy Knight Stance+2 Reaction - -
Sphere Shield Reaction - -
Absolute Defense - Blaze Skill - -
Memory of Darkness Passive - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Nero Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Lunatic of Darkness Skill Magic Magical
The Only Shining Star Passive - -
Dark Flower Sanctus Skill Magic Magical
Dark Flower Sanctus Skill Magic Magical
Dark Hope Passive - -
Voice for the Templars Passive - -