AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Shield Prison Skill - -
Soul Eater Shield Reaction Special Physical
Inviolable Shield Passive - -
Taunt of the Shield Hero Skill - -
Naofumi Job Master Passive - -
Pure Water's Heartbeat Passive - -
Naofumi Equipment Item - -
Twilight's Heartbeat Passive - -
Twilight's Heartbeat Passive - -
Attack (Raphtalia) Attack Slash Physical
All First Hiding Skill - -
Daylight Blade Skill Slash Physical
Prism Blade Skill Slash Physical
Early Slash Skill Slash Physical
Focused Palm Skill Strike Magical
Early Edge Skill Slash Physical
First Light Skill - -
Hide Saber Skill - Physical
First Mirage Skill - -
First Hiding Reaction - -
Loyalty of a Demi-Human Passive - -
Raphtalia Job Master Passive - -
Raphtalia Equipment Item - -
Light of Dawn's Heartbeat Passive - -
Light of Dawn's Heartbeat Passive - -
Attack (Melty) Attack Missile Magical
Looking forward to everything! Skill - -
Endurance Cure Skill - -
Zweite Squall Skill Magic Magical
Aqua Strike Skill Magic Magical
Zweite Aqua Shot Skill Magic Magical
Aqua Splash Skill Magic Magical
Meteor Stream Skill Magic Magical
Dignity Planet Skill - -
Blinding Wall of Light - Hervor Skill Pierce Physical
Meteor Lightfall (Water) Skill Magic Magical
Meteor Lightfall (Wind) Skill Magic Magical
Meteor Lightfall (Thunder) Skill Magic Magical
Absolute Destruction Skill - Physical
Bloody Fire Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Water Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Lightning Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Blast Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Shine Skill Magic Magical
Curing Jam Skill - -
Wallop (Fire) Skill Strike Physical
Wallop (Water) Skill Strike Physical
Wallop (Thunder) Skill Strike Physical
Wallop (Wind) Skill Strike Physical
Wallop (Light) Skill Strike Physical