AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Clock Resist Passive - -
Time Leap Passive - -
Attack (HUU) Attack Strike Physical
Good Omen Attack - -
Bad Omen Attack - -
Vermilion Bird Attack - -
Black Tortoise Attack - -
Blue Dragon Attack - -
White Tiger Attack - -
Dragon Eye Attack - -
Dragon Pulse Attack - -
Bagua Fertile Land Skill - -
Bagua Bottomless Swamp Skill - -
Bagua Eruption Skill Magic Magical
Bagua Fey Skill Magic Magical
Offensive Ground Activity Skill - -
Fire Axe Ablaze Skill - Physical
Defense Dragon Pulse Activated Skill - -
Thunder Fire Collapse Skill Strike Physical
Water Wind Collapse Skill Strike Physical
Immense Ground Activity Skill - -
Battle Dragon Pulse Activated Skill - -
Bagua Sunlight Skill Magic Magical
Healing Grid Skill - -
Buff Physical Skill - -
Buff Magic Skill - -
Slow Skill - -
Demon Gate's Temptation Reaction - -
Fate's Decision Passive - -
Universe's Protection Passive - -
Geomancer Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Attack (BAR) Attack - Physical
Song of the Warrior Skill - -
Song of the Guardian Skill - -
Song of the Aegis Skill - -
Song of Defense Skill - -
Song of Wisdom Skill - -
Song of Concealment Skill - -
Song of Fortune Skill - -
Lullaby Skill - -
Relaxing Lullaby Skill - Physical
Hypnos Lullaby Skill - Physical
Healing Poem Skill - -
Song of the Hunter Skill - -
Song of the Artist Skill - -
All-Mending Poem Skill - -
Song of the Hero Skill - -
Twist Reaction - Magical
Sound of Slumber Passive - -
Echo Passive - -