AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Giant Tackle Skill Strike Physical
Dark Cocoon Skill Magic Magical
Dark Vengeful Spirit Skill - -
Normal Attack Attack Magic Magical
Conscript's Move Skill - -
Begrudging Curse Reaction Magic Physical
Healing Tear Skill - -
Multi-hit Support Passive - -
Scratch Skill Slash Physical
Hellfire Skill Magic Magical
Groundswell Skill Strike Physical
Double Reflect Reaction - -
Curse of Weakness Reaction - -
Fiery Tackle Skill Strike Physical
Cross Flare Skill Magic Magical
射撃・斬撃以外に耐性 Passive - -
All Res except for Slash Passive - -
Theoretical Void Reaction - -
All Res except for Strike Passive - -
All Res except for Pierce Passive - -
All Res except for Magic Passive - -
All Res except for Missile Passive - -
All Res except for Jump Passive - -
Raises own DEF vs Males Passive - -
Crash Attack Skill Strike Physical
Repressing Cry Skill Magic Magical
Cursed Ring of Blazing Pillars Skill Magic Magical
Powerful Flame Wave Skill Magic Magical
Energy Roar Skill - -
Strong Demon Wave [Phys-Burn] Skill Magic Magical
Strong Demon Wave [Magic-Burn<br> Skill Magic Magical
Prepare to Advance Skill - -
Karmic Flames Skill Strike Physical
Karmic Waters Skill Strike Physical
Karmic Winds Skill Strike Physical
Karmic Thunder Skill Strike Physical
React Reaction Strike Physical
Close Shave [Phys-Burn] Skill Slash Physical
Close Shave [Magic-Burn] Skill Slash Physical
[Raphtalia] Gate of Pride Passive - -
[Raphtalia] Gate of Greed Passive - -
Floating World Passive - -
Indelible Garnet Passive - -
Indelible Garnet Passive - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Binding Shadow Blade Skill Slash Physical
Equipment Effect Item - -
Ainanna Distribution Equipped Gear Status 5★ Item - -
Permanent Filth Passive - -