AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Phys-Burn Ransei Skill Slash Physical
Prepare to Advance Skill - -
Close Shave Skill Slash Physical
Close Shave [Magic-Burn] Skill Slash Physical
Close Shave [Phys-Burn] Skill Slash Physical
React Reaction Strike Physical
Karmic Thunder Skill Strike Physical
Karmic Winds Skill Strike Physical
Karmic Waters Skill Strike Physical
Karmic Flames Skill Strike Physical
Prepare to Advance Skill - -
Strong Demon Wave [Magic-Burn<br> Skill Magic Magical
Strong Demon Wave [Phys-Burn] Skill Magic Magical
Energy Roar Skill - -
Powerful Flame Wave Skill Magic Magical
Cursed Ring of Blazing Pillars Skill Magic Magical
Repressing Cry Skill Magic Magical
Crash Attack Skill Strike Physical
Raises own DEF vs Males Passive - -
All Res except for Jump Passive - -
All Res except for Missile Passive - -
All Res except for Magic Passive - -
All Res except for Pierce Passive - -
All Res except for Strike Passive - -
All Res except for Slash Passive - -
射撃・斬撃以外に耐性 Passive - -
Cross Flare Skill Magic Magical
Fiery Tackle Skill Strike Physical
Curse of Weakness Reaction - -
Double Reflect Reaction - -
Groundswell Skill Strike Physical
Ratty Mischief Skill - -
Hellfire Skill Magic Magical
Scratch Skill Slash Physical
Multi-hit Support Passive - -
Healing Tear Skill - -
Begrudging Curse Reaction Magic Physical
Conscript's Move Skill - -
Normal Attack Attack Magic Magical
Dark Vengeful Spirit Skill - -
Dark Cocoon Skill Magic Magical
Giant Tackle Skill Strike Physical
Great Enhancement Skill - -
Petrifying Curse Skill Slash Physical
△【素早さ】1~999追加 Passive - -
回避率補正+1~+999 Passive - -
△Excluding Slash/JUMP PATK Res/MATK Res +1~999 (No Counter Res) Passive - -
△Excluding Pierce PATK Res +1~999 Passive - -
△射撃以外物攻耐性+1~999 Passive - -
[Res] Area ATK -1~-999% Passive - -