AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Spider Lily Skill Magic Magical
Ancient Pollen Reaction - -
(Petaloid Attack) Attack Strike Physical
Sleep Powder Skill - -
Panic Pollen Skill - -
Might (Non-Elemental Magic) Skill Magic Magical
Enhanced Magic Cast Countdown 3 Skill - -
Enhanced Magic Cast Countdown 2 Skill - -
Enhanced Magic Cast Countdown 1 Skill - -
Power (Non-Elemental Mag & 100% Hit) Skill Magic Magical
Enhanced Magic Cast Countdown 3 Skill - -
Enhanced Magic Cast Countdown 2 Skill - -
Enhanced Magic Cast Countdown 1 Skill - -
Buff Adjacent (Mag Dmg Up) Passive - -
Player Clone LS Passive - -
Wrraaahh! Skill Strike Physical
Roundhouse Kick Counter Reaction Strike Physical
Growl Skill Slash Physical
Numyua! Skill Strike Physical
Slumber Onset Skill - -
Invader Found! Skill Magic Magical
Big Bonus to All Res except Strike Skill - -
All-Status Protection [Permanent] Skill - -
Realm Exploding Bomber Skill Special Physical
Ratty Touch Skill Special Physical
Ratty Touch Skill Special Physical
You've Got This! Skill Special Physical
You've Got This! Skill Special Physical
Psychic Blizzard Attack Magic Magical
Knockback Spear Skill Pierce Physical
Global Guard [Permanent] Skill - -
Machine Learning (Enhances AJ-Series) Skill - -
Machine Learning (Enhances AJ-Series) Skill - -
Warrior Poetry [Permanent] Skill - -
Anti-Phantom Grenade Skill Missile Physical
Anti-Phantom Missile Skill Missile Physical
Meteor of Life Skill Magic Magical
Netherworld's Phantom Medicine Skill - -
Ability for PotK 3EX2 Gimmick Passive - -
Ability for PotK 3EX2 Gimmick Passive - -
Ability for PotK 3EX2 Gimmick Passive - -
Light Res (Enemy LS) Passive - -
Dark Res (Enemy LS) Passive - -
(Snowman Attack) Attack - Physical
Snowball Power-Throw Skill - Physical
Super-Snowball Skill - Physical
Powder-Snow Shadow Skill - Physical
Frozen Solid Ball Skill - Physical
Dead Ball (Curse) Skill - Physical
Relief Arrival! Skill - -