AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Wind Ink Skill Magic Magical
Thunder Ink Skill Magic Magical
Light Ink Skill Magic Magical
Dark Ink Skill Magic Magical
Second Chance Skill - -
Roaring Flame Ink Skill Magic Magical
Ice Waterfall Ink Skill Magic Magical
Strong Wind Ink Skill Magic Magical
Cover of Darkness Skill - -
Thunderstorm Ink Skill Magic Magical
Composite Counter Reaction Special Physical
High Regen Skill - -
Remove Regen Skill - -
Dark Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Light Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Mystic Town's Pressure Passive - -
Mystic Town's Support Passive - -
Gravity Manipulation (JUMP -1) Skill - -
Curse Guard Skill - -
Curse Guard Passive - -
Speed & Guard Up Reaction - -
パラメータデバフ耐性(1~100%) Passive - -
Beam Skill Magic Magical
This Is Not the End Skill - -
Switch Skill - -
Bone Crush [PATK Down] Skill Missile Physical
Hammer Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Stabbing Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Falling Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Battleaxe Stroke+ Skill Slash Physical
Tomahawk+ Skill Slash Physical
Blade Cyclone+ Skill Slash Physical
Dark Bringer+ Skill Slash Physical
Evil Slash+ Skill Slash Physical
Soul Sacrifice+ Skill Slash Physical
Cupid Cannon Skill Strike Physical
Juggernaut+ Skill Slash Physical
Palm Shockwave+ Skill Strike Physical
Supreme Battle Trance+ Skill Strike Physical
Res Boost Skill - -
Group 1 Members' Area Res Up LS Passive - -
Group 2 Members' Area Res Up LS Passive - -
Group 3 Members' Area Res Up LS Passive - -
Pierce/Mag/JUMP Res +1~999 Passive - -
Insane Kick Skill Strike Physical
Wall Construction Skill - -
Better You than a Cow Skill - -
Better You than Fabric Skill - -
We'll Be Together Forever! Skill - -
Tentei's Anger Skill Magic Magical