AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Worship Passive - -
Friendly Advice Passive - -
Friendly Claw Skill Slash Physical
Friendly Cleaving Strike Skill Slash Physical
Friendly Close Shave Skill Slash Physical
Friendly Orange Skill - -
Frigate of Guilt Skill Slash Physical
Frigid Aura Reaction - -
Frigid Breeze Group Skill Passive - -
Frigid Marriage Letter (Temp) Item - -
Frigid Trident Skill Pierce Physical
Frivolous Clogs Item - -
Frontal Thrust Skill Pierce Physical
Frontier Legend Passive - -
Frost Break Skill Slash Physical
Frost Charge Passive - -
Frost Piece Item - -
Frost Raid Skill Magic Magical
Frost Shard Skill Magic Magical
Frost Smile Skill Magic Magical
Frost's Bite Skill Slash Physical
Frost's Bite Skill Slash Physical
Frostborn Fox Stats Passive - -
Frozen Aura Reaction - -
Frozen Blade Dance Skill Slash Physical
Frozen Destroyer Skill - Physical
Frozen Encounter Reaction - Physical
Frozen Fangs Skill Slash Physical
Frozen Force Shot Skill Magic Magical
Frozen Incense Alpheus Skill - -
Frozen Orchid Skill Slash Physical
Frozen Party Skill Missile Magical
Frozen Party Skill Missile Magical
Frozen Phantasia Skill Magic Magical
Frozen Phantasm Skill Magic Magical
Frozen Serpent Skill Slash Physical
Frozen Shot Skill Magic Magical