AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Attack (Nimul Transformed) Attack Magic Magical
Secrets of Blinding Light Passive - -
Secrets of Blinding Light Passive - -
Nimul Equipment Item - -
Nimul Job Master Passive - -
Hour of Revolution Passive - -
Hour of Revolution Passive - -
Connection Rigator Reaction - -
Logic Alteration Finis Skill Missile Physical
Destructive Luciora Skill - -
Condemnation Luciora Skill - -
Innovation Diva Skill - -
Reformed World Insania Skill - -
Fated Hour Libera Skill - -
Reformed World Insania Skill - -
Genesis Inferno Krawis Skill Missile Physical
Blazing Genesis Regalia Skill Missile Physical
Flame Genesis Regalia Skill Missile Physical
Crimson Genesis Ferm Skill Missile Physical
Time Genesis Claes Skill - -
Attack (Nimul) Attack Missile Physical
Fresh Wind's Heartbeat Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Heartbeat Passive - -
Bubble Breath Skill Magic Physical
Tanosuke-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Tanosuke Equipment Item - -
Concentration "Idleness" Passive - -
Facsimile "Sink or Swim" Reaction - -
Tapir Seal "Kokkuri" Skill - -
Wind Seal "Nurari" Skill - -
Binding Seal "Shakin" Skill - -
Instant Seal "Zanbalari" Skill Slash Physical
Five Seals "Zanbalari" Skill Slash Physical
Blade Fox "Konkon" Skill Slash Physical
Blade Pursuit "Hyururi" Skill Slash Physical
Curved Blade "Tentsuku" Skill Slash Physical
Attack (Tanosuke) Attack Slash Physical
Thunderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Thunderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Celis-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Celis Equipment Item - -
Crimson Wings Passive - -
Thunder Edge Reaction Slash Physical
Lightning Edge Reaction Slash Physical
Furious Opposition Skill - -
Electric Mist Skill Slash Physical
Falling Thunder Blade Skill Slash Physical
Scarlet Thunder Warblade Skill Slash Physical
Scarlet Thunder Twin-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Phoenix Wing Skill Slash Physical