AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Destructive Drive Passive - -
Ugachi Equipment Item - -
Attack (Celis) Attack Slash Physical
Scarlet Thunderclap Skill Slash Physical
Scarlet Soul Salve Skill - -
Flame Breath Skill Magic Physical
Phoenix Wing Skill Slash Physical
Curved Blade "Tentsuku" Skill Slash Physical
Scarlet Thunder Twin-Blade Skill Slash Physical
Scarlet Thunder Warblade Skill Slash Physical
Falling Thunder Blade Skill Slash Physical
Electric Mist Skill Slash Physical
Furious Opposition Skill - -
Lightning Edge Reaction Slash Physical
Blade Pursuit "Hyururi" Skill Slash Physical
Thunder Edge Reaction Slash Physical
Crimson Wings Passive - -
Celis Equipment Item - -
Celis-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Thunderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Thunderer's Heartbeat Passive - -
Blade Fox "Konkon" Skill Slash Physical
Five Seals "Zanbalari" Skill Slash Physical
Instant Seal "Zanbalari" Skill Slash Physical
Binding Seal "Shakin" Skill - -
Wind Seal "Nurari" Skill - -
Tapir Seal "Kokkuri" Skill - -
Facsimile "Sink or Swim" Reaction - -
Concentration "Idleness" Passive - -
Tanosuke Equipment Item - -
Tanosuke-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Bubble Breath Skill Magic Physical
Fresh Wind's Heartbeat Passive - -
Fresh Wind's Heartbeat Passive - -
Time Genesis Claes Skill - -
Crimson Genesis Ferm Skill Missile Physical
Flame Genesis Regalia Skill Missile Physical
Blazing Genesis Regalia Skill Missile Physical
Genesis Inferno Krawis Skill Missile Physical
Reformed World Insania Skill - -
Venus Tear Skill Special -
Fated Hour Libera Skill - -
Reformed World Insania Skill - -
Innovation Diva Skill - -
Condemnation Luciora Skill - -
Destructive Luciora Skill - -
Logic Alteration Finis Skill Missile Physical
Connection Rigator Reaction - -
Nimul Equipment Item - -
Secrets of Blinding Light Passive - -