AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Pure Water's Heartbeat Passive - -
Pure Water's Heartbeat Passive - -
Attack (GUNL) Attack Pierce Physical
Adverse Bite Skill Pierce Physical
Nocturnal Fang Skill Pierce Physical
Sonic Bound Skill - -
Fang Purgatory Skill Pierce Physical
Double Fang Purgatory Skill Pierce Physical
Fang Youthanasia Skill Missile Physical
Force Mastiff Skill - -
Lyca Refine Skill - -
Controlled Shackles Skill - -
Pursuer's Awakening Reaction - -
Armed Dance Fang Passive - -
Twilight's Heartbeat Passive - -
Twilight's Heartbeat Passive - -
Yura Job Master Passive - -
Yura Equipment Item - -
Death Rattle - Emission Skill Missile Physical
Rising Wing - Hex Sign Skill - -
Twilight Scorching Flash Skill Slash Physical
Twilight Guren Flash Skill Slash Physical
突撃 Skill Slash Physical
Nine-Blade Firestorm Skill Slash Physical
宵闇の鼓動 Passive - -
攻撃スキル(不知火舞) Attack Strike Physical
花蝶扇 Skill Strike Physical
龍炎舞 Skill Strike Physical
浮羽 Skill Strike Physical
陽炎の舞 Skill Strike Physical
超必殺忍蜂 Skill Strike Physical
MAX超必殺忍蜂 Skill Strike Physical
MAXモード Skill - -
威圧の舞 Skill - -
活気の忍術 Skill - -
再起の舞 Skill - -
快癒の円舞 Reaction - -
不知火流忍術の爛漫 Passive - -
一分の活泉 Passive - -
不知火舞ジョブマスター Passive - -
不知火舞装備品 Item - -
烈火の鼓動 Passive - -
烈火の鼓動 Passive - -
攻撃スキル(クーラ) Attack Strike Physical
ダイアモンドブレス Skill Strike Magical
クロウバイツ Skill Strike Physical
Nimul Job Master Passive - -
レイ・スピン Skill Strike Physical
フローズンアリーナ Skill Strike Magical
ダイアモンドエッジ Skill Strike Magical