AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Pure Water's Heartbeat Passive - -
Pure Water's Heartbeat Passive - -
Natsume Equipment Item - -
Natsume Job Master Passive - -
A Sword's Duty Passive - -
Restless Spirit Reaction Slash Physical
Reverse Boundary Skill - -
Worker Crow Skill - -
Waterfall Wedge Skill Slash Physical
[Black Star Secret Art] Blood-Rending Flash Skill Slash Physical
[Black Star Secret Art] Blood-Rending Blade Skill Slash Physical
[Sword of Black Star] Breaking Wave Skill Slash Physical
Blade of Distant Seas Skill Slash Physical
Ripple Claw Skill Slash Physical
Veil of the Black Lotus Skill - -
Attack (Natsume) Attack Slash Physical
Pulsing Rage Passive - -
Pulsing Rage Passive - -
Vlad-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Vlad Equipment Item - -
Warrior's Fortitude Skill - -
Warrior's Fortitude Passive - -
Vlad Charge Reaction - -
Raijin Oath Skill - -
Spark Eater Skill Slash Physical
Warrior Launch Skill - -
Thunderer's Domination Blade Skill Slash Physical
Thunderer's Waking Blade Skill Slash Physical
Shocking Discharge Skill Strike Physical
Anima Wallare Skill Magic Magical
Levin Spiral Skill Slash Physical
Attack (Vlad) Attack Slash Physical
Rage Mastery Passive - -
Rage Mastery Passive - -
Caesar-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Caesar Equipment Item - -
Blazing Honor Blade Passive - -
Recurring Demon Flame Reaction - -
Rage Shield Skill - -
Farnis Eater Skill Slash Physical
Blazing Ruinblade Skill Slash Physical
Crimson Twister Skill Slash Physical
Demon Flame Furyblade Skill Slash Physical
Demon Flame Wrathblade Skill Slash Physical
Ignition Blade Skill Slash Physical
Blazing Offense Skill - -
Attack (Caesar) Attack Slash Physical
Wrath's Trance Passive - -
Wrath's Trance Passive - -
Neville-only Exclusive Job Master Bonus Passive - -