AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Virtuoso Basic ATK Attack Pierce Physical
Virtually Raises All Elemental Res Passive - -
Viper Blade Skill Slash Physical
Viper Blade Skill Slash Physical
Violet Light Vodnik Skill Pierce Physical
Violet Light Vodnik Skill Pierce Physical
Violet Light Vodnik Skill Pierce Physical
Violet Light Vodnik Skill Pierce Physical
Violet Light Vodnik Skill Pierce Physical
Violet Light Vodnik Skill Pierce Physical
Violet Light Vodnik Skill Pierce Physical
Violet Light Vodnik Skill Pierce Physical
Violet Drake Concordia Skill - -
Violet Drake Concordia Skill - -
Violet Blade Skill Slash Physical
Violent Trample Skill Slash Physical
Violent Slash Skill Slash Physical
Violent Minotaur Axe AS Item - -
Violent Minotaur Axe 5★ Item - -
Violent Minotaur Axe 4★ Item - -
Violent Gale's Voice Skill Slash Magical
Violane Wave Kick Skill Strike Physical
Villain's Oath Passive - -
Vigorous Surge of Strength Skill - -
Vigorous Roar Skill - -
Vigorous Roar Skill - -
Vigorous Roar Skill - -
Vigorous Kill Skill Slash Physical
Vigorous Healing Potion Skill Special -
Vigor Booster Skill - -
Vier Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Vier Memento Item - -
Vier Equipment Stats 6 Item - -
Vier Equipment Stats 5 Item - -
Vier Equipment Stats 4 Item - -
Vier Equipment Stats 3 Item - -
Vier Equipment Stats 2 Item - -
Vier Equipment Stats 1 Item - -
Vier CC Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Vidofnir Doll Item - -
Victory Dance of Prayer Skill - -
Victory Bullet Skill Missile Physical
Victorious Tone Skill - -
Victorious Blade Skill Slash Physical
Victor's Role Collide Skill Strike Physical
Victor Cape Item - -
Vicious Thunderblade Skill Slash Physical
Vicious Scythe Skill Slash Physical
Vibrowave (Wind) Skill Missile Physical
Vibrowave (Water) Skill Missile Physical