AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Whip Strike Attack Strike Physical
Whip Strike Attack Strike Physical
Whip Strike Attack Strike Physical
Whip Punch Attack Strike Physical
Which One Can't You Eat? Skill - -
Where's my money?! Skill - Physical
Where the Stars Have Gone Passive - -
Where are your manners? Skill - -
When to Take it Back Passive - -
When the last of us die… Skill Slash Physical
When in Bloom Passive - -
When She Smiles Skill - -
When Dragons Began to See Humans Passive - -
When Becoming a Lion Passive - -
Wheel of Fate Passive - -
What's the Hurry? Skill - None
What Have You Done To Gakki?! Skill - -
What Could Have Been Passive - -
What Burns Within Passive - -
What Are You Doing?! Skill - -
Well-Organized Honor Student Passive - -
Well Done! Skill - Magical
Welding Goggles Item - -
Welcome Home Present Item - -
Weighting Taint (Wind) Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint (Water) Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint (Thunder) Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint (Strong vs Auto Heal) Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint (Fire) Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Weighting Taint Skill Strike Physical
Weighted Black Hole Skill Magic Magical
Weight on the Shoulders Passive - -
Wedding Vows Passive - -
Wedding Vitality Passive - -
Wedding Veil Skill - -
Wedding Veil Skill - -
Wedding Veil Skill - -
Wedding Party Passive - -
Weavers of the World's Wisdom Passive - -