AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Hellclaw Skill Slash Physical
Lethal Assault Skill Pierce Physical
Hardened Feathers Skill Strike Physical
Whirlwind Sorcery Skill Strike Physical
Poison Mist Skill Magic Physical
キャンセル付き被ダメージ時物威厳 Passive - -
HP40%以下ですべての状態異常・アルケミィを無効化 Passive - -
雷耐性以外耐性50・HPリジェネ Passive - -
Magic Evasion Reaction - -
Counterattack Sweeping Kick Reaction Strike Physical
Counterattack Prep Reaction - -
Counterattack Prep Reaction - -
Counterattack Prep Reaction - -
Counterattack Prep Reaction - -
Swiping Kick Skill Strike Physical
Glowing Roar Skill - -
Howl Skill - -
Tackle Skill Strike Physical
Gouge Skill Slash Physical
All ATK down after defending (10x Stackable) Passive - -
Steel Arm Counter Axe Reaction Slash Physical
Thunder God's Axe Skill Slash Physical
Sacred Emperor Skill - -
Resistance Support Passive - -
Resistance Support Passive - -
Resistance Support Passive - -
Resistance Support Passive - -
Resistance Support Passive - -
Resistance Support Passive - -
Scream Reaction - Magical
Mandragora Quicken Skill - -
Chain Snap [COMBO Down] Skill - -
Major Regen Skill - -
Major Jewel Regen Skill - -
Panacea Skill - -
Anti-Evasion Roar Reaction - -
Sonic Roar Skill - -
Gouge Skill Slash Physical
Paralyzing Slasher Skill Slash Physical
Venom Slasher Skill Slash Physical
Bloody Bite Skill Slash Physical
Guardian Transformation [Mag] Reaction - -
Global Mag Dmg Shield [3x] Skill - -
Global Phys Dmg Shield [3x] Skill - -
Dragonscale Flash Skill Magic Physical
Dragon Breath Skill Magic Physical
Draconic Roar Skill - -
Hide Trap Reaction - -
Shadow Shot Arrow Rain Skill Missile Physical
Shadow Shooting Skill Missile Physical