AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Dive Attack IV Skill Pierce Physical
Dive Attack IV Skill Pierce Physical
Divide Life Force Attack - -
Divided Soul Passive - -
Divine Armor Passive - -
Divine Arrow-Guard Reaction - -
Divine Battle Trance Skill Strike Physical
Divine Battle Trance Skill Strike Physical
Divine Battle Trance Skill Strike Magical
Divine Battle Trance Skill Strike Physical
Divine Battle Trance Skill Strike Physical
Divine Blade Skill Slash Physical
Divine Bond Item - -
Divine Cleansing Skill - -
Divine Creation Passive - -
Divine Fists Skill Strike Physical
Divine Fists Skill Strike Physical
Divine Fists (Fire) Skill Strike Physical
Divine Fists (Thunder) Skill Strike Physical
Divine Fists (Water) Skill Strike Physical
Divine Fists (Wind) Skill Strike Physical
Divine Flare Skill Magic Magical
Divine Flash Cannon "Cassandra" Skill Special Physical
Divine Gust Skill - -
Divine Hand Item - -
Divine Herald Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Divine Inferno's End Skill Magic Magical
Divine Intervention for the Forest Spirit Passive - -
Divine Intervention for the Holy War Passive - -
Divine Light Skill Magic Magical
Divine Lightning Skill Magic Magical
Divine Manifestation Skill Magic Magical
Divine Manifestation+ Skill Magic Magical
Divine Mastery Passive - -
Divine Medicine of the Netherworld Skill - -
Divine Missiles Skill Magic Magical
Divine Order's Protection Skill - -
Divine Ore Quintessence Passive - -
Divine Power Reaction Magic Magical
Divine Power Reaction Magic Magical
Divine Protection of the Summoning Stones Passive - -
Divine Punisher Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Divine Purification Reaction - -
Divine Ray Skill Magic Magical
Divine Saber Skill Slash Physical
Divine Saber Skill Slash Physical
Divine Shelter Passive - -
Divine Shelter Passive - -
Divine Shelter+ Passive - -
Divine Shelter+ Passive - -