AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Fissure Skill Slash Physical
Energy Predator Skill Slash Physical
Exuberant Roar Skill - -
Counter Flash Reaction Slash Physical
Waginau Guts Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Snap Out Of It Skill - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Buff Duration -1 (Cannot be removed) Skill - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Auto Heal Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Permanent Deadly Poison Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Templar [Hell]: AGI Debuff Reduction Buff Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Buff Duration -1 (Active Effect) Passive - -
Supply Power Passive - -
Demonic Gloom [Lowers PATK/MATK/AGI] Skill Magic Magical
Normal Attack Attack Magic Magical
Demonic Gloom [Lowers PATK/MATK/AGI] Skill Magic Magical
Major Psychic Flame III Skill Magic Magical
Until the unit dies, nullifies effective stat buffs for all own Demon units and Sieba Passive - -
Until the unit dies, nullifies effective stat buffs for all own Demon units and Drei Passive - -
Templar [Hell]: Drei Passive Enhancement (after appearing on map) Skill - -
Templar [Hell]: Sieba Passive Enhancement (after appearing on map) Skill - -