AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Tyrannical Ruler Passive - -
Tyrannical Ruler Skill - -
Tyrannical Ruler Passive - -
Tyrannical Ruler Skill - -
Jump Sanction Skill Jump Physical
Day of Ascension Passive - -
Kubera Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
[Memento] Benika Memento Stats Passive - -
Peerless Dream Passive - -
Deserter's Shame Passive - -
Thrash Card: Akiace Skill Magic Magical
Greed Dike's Solace Passive - -
[Memento] Izayoi Memento Stats Passive - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
Limit Reached Bonus Skill - -
[Memento] Izayoi Passive - -
Night Fox and Mythical Fox Passive - -
Guardian of Smiles Passive - -
Wadatsumi's Rigidness Passive - -
New Moon Breeze Passive - -
Tsurubami Invitation Skill - -
Tsurubami Invitation Skill - -
Twin Flash - The Opposing Shape Passive - -
Twin Flash - The Shape of Life Skill - -
Slashing Flame Flash Skill Slash Physical
Slashing Flame Flash Skill Slash Physical
クー・フーリン配布武具ステータス★5 Item - -
クー・フーリン配布武具ステータス★4 Item - -
勝利の息吹 Additional - -
ギロチンカット Skill Slash Physical
テトラカーン Skill - -
ジャアクフロスト配布武具ステータス★5 Item - -
ジャアクフロスト配布武具ステータス★4 Item - -
帝王の大道 Skill - -
真3HD念装武具ステータス Item - -
仲魔との旅路 Passive - -
限界到達ボーナス Skill - -
限界到達ボーナス Skill - -
魔獣の先駆 Passive - -
魔獣の先導 Passive - -
妖精の光魔 Passive - -
妖精の高魔 Passive - -
夜魔の鉄壁 Passive - -
夜魔の防壁 Passive - -
幻魔の戦陣 Passive - -
幻魔の霊陣 Passive - -
ともに歩む者 Passive - -
悪魔の偉力 Passive - -