AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Absolute Destruction Skill - Physical
Bloody Lightning Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Water Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Blast Skill Magic Magical
Bloody Fire+ Skill Missile Physical
Killer Tail Skill Pierce Physical
Calamity Sweep+ Skill Strike Physical
Calamity Slash Skill Slash Physical
Gargoyle Support Passive - -
Gargoyle Support Passive - -
Gargoyle Support Passive - -
Falling Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Stabbing Edge Skill Pierce Physical
Res (Excluding Mag) Passive - -
Magic Boost Passive - -
Mega Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Mega Spark Skill Magic Magical
Mega Blast Skill Magic Magical
Mega Flame Skill Magic Magical
Res (Excluding Missile) Passive - -
Arrow Rain+ Skill Missile Physical
Pinhole Shot Skill Missile Physical
Headshot Skill Missile Physical
Leg Shot Skill Missile Physical
Res (Excluding Pierce) Passive - -
Double Glory Skill Pierce Physical
Grand Slash Skill Pierce Physical
Holy Spear Fan Skill - Physical
Holy Spear Flash+ Skill Pierce Physical
Res (Excluding Strike) Passive - -
Supreme Battle Trance Skill Strike Physical
Sharpening Focus+ Skill - -
Res (Excluding Slash) Passive - -
Tiger Tremor+ Skill Slash Physical
Omniblast Skill - -
Ganesha's Influence Skill Slash Physical
Kali's Throwing Axe Skill Slash Physical
Realm Exploding Bomber [Mag Res Down] Reaction - -
Realm Exploding Bomber [Missile Res Down] Reaction - -
Realm Exploding Bomber [Pierce Res Down] Reaction - -
Realm Exploding Bomber [Strike Res Down] Reaction - -
Realm Exploding Bomber [Slash Res Down] Reaction - -
Tail Attack Skill Strike Physical
Raises Strike Res for three turns Skill - -
Mag Dmg (All) Reaction Special Magical
Phys Dmg (All) Reaction Special Physical
【敵用】MOVE以外可視ステータスダウンを防ぐ【1-999】 Passive - -
【敵用】HP以外可視ステータスダウンを防ぐ【1-999】 Passive - -
▼【移動高低差】-1~-20 Passive - -
△【補助禁止耐性】+1~999% Passive - -