AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Festive Wind Skill Magic Magical
Missile Dmg +5% Passive - -
Festive Thunder Skill Magic Magical
Festive Shine Skill Magic Magical
Festive Darkness Skill Magic Magical
Feelin' Festive Skill - -
Clingy Tackle Skill Strike Physical
Ratty Drop Skill Strike Physical
Greatly Lowers Fire Res Passive - -
Cross Darkness Skill Magic Magical
Fluffy Body Reaction - -
Bouncy Body Reaction - -
Cross Flare Skill Magic Magical
Cross Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Cross Blast Skill Magic Magical
Cross Spark Skill Magic Magical
New White Style Skill - -
Cross Shine Skill Magic Magical
Tackle Skill Strike Physical
Raises PATK/MATK Passive - -
Numaaa! Reaction Strike Physical
Pierce & Missile & Strike Res (Enemy LS) Passive - -
Cross Flare Skill Magic Magical
Cross Blizzard Skill Magic Magical
Cross Blast Skill Magic Magical
Cross Spark Skill Magic Magical
Cross Shine Skill Magic Magical
Cross Darkness Skill Magic Magical
Numa, numyua! Skill - -
Sword of Darkness (Based on MDEF) Skill Slash Physical
Sword of Poison (Based on MDEF) Skill Slash Physical
Speed Crush Skill Slash Physical
Grudge Blade (Based on MDEF) Skill Slash Physical
Raises Slash ATK Reaction - -
Normal Attack Attack Strike Physical
New Year Fireworks Skill Strike Physical
Wishing You A Happy New Year Reaction Strike Physical
New Year Fireworks Skill Strike Physical
Wishing You A Happy New Year Reaction Strike Physical
Eat Cake! Skill - -
Normal Attack Attack Magic Magical
Charge Power Skill - -
Punch Skill Strike Physical
Soul Siphon Skill - -
Fiery Breath Skill Magic Magical
Shake it Off Reaction Strike Physical
Shake it Off Reaction Strike Physical
Normal Attack Attack Strike Physical
Charge Power Skill - -
Knifehand Strike Skill Slash Physical