Flare Array

Places grids that inflict Light Dmg, Paralyze and, Blind (each grid disappears after being activated once) [Range: 4, Area: Diamond (5), Height Range: 3]

Skill Details
Type Skill
Cost 40
Effect Type SetTrick
Target ValidGrid
Range 0-4
Select Range Diamond
Scope 2
Select Scope Diamond
Line Type Curved
Height 3
Range Display
Area Display
Trick Set Type GridNoUnit
Charges 2
Timing Used
  • EnableChangeRange
  • EnableHeightRangeBonus
Trick Details
Effect Grid that damages & inflicts Paralyze and Blind for enemies standing on it (disappears after being activated once)
ATK Type Special
Element Light
Damage Type Damage
Calc Fixed
Value 300
Target UnitAll
Effect Target UnitAll
Count 1
Visual Type Player
Ignore Mov Types Flying
Type FailCondition
Rate 100
Value 100
Check Target Target
Check Timing ActionStart
Turns 3