Story List (By Chapter)

Chapter 1

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5

Chapter 2

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4

Chapter 3

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4

Chapter 4

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4


Ep 1

Chapter 5

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5

Chapter 6

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3

AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Quests (Global)

Name AP Cost Type
Ch 4: Ep 2 [1-3] Respected Neighbors 6 Normal
Ch 2: Ep 2 [3-7] Respective Growth 6 Normal
Ch 6: Ep 1 [3-1] Retreat 6 Normal
Ch 4: Ep 3 [3-4] Return 6 Normal
Ch 6: Ep 2 [3-9] Return 6 Normal
Ch 1: Ep 2 [2-9] Return of the Black Knight 6 Normal
Ch 5: Ep 5 [1-9] Return of the Flame-Armed 6 Normal
Ch 5: Ep 5 [3-8] Return of the Overlord 6 Normal
Ch 5: Ep 4 [1-10] Reunion 6 Normal
Ch 5: Ep 1 [2-9] Reunion 6 Normal
Ch 4: Ep 4 [1-1] Revival of the Ancient Dragon 6 Normal
Intermission 1-1 Revolutionary Dawn of "Pride" 6 Normal
Ch 1: Ep 4 [2-5] Riddle in the Eyes 6 Normal
Ch 2: Ep 2 [3-1] Ride Towards the Execution Grounds 6 Normal
Ch 1: Ep 4 [1-10] Rift 6 Normal
Ch 1: Ep 5 [3-4] Riot in the Capital 6 Normal
Ch 1: Ep 5 [2-9] Rising Suspicions 6 Normal
Ch 1: Ep 3 [2-3] Risk your Life 6 Normal
Ch 2: Ep 2 [2-5] Road to Recovering the Stone 6 Normal
Ch 4: Ep 3 [1-9] Roar 6 Normal
Ch 2: Ep 4 [2-6] Robotic Watchman 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 4 [1-3] Rocket Boy 6 Normal
Ch 2: Ep 1 [1-9] Rogues 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 1 [1-10] Romance 6 Normal
Ch 6: Ep 4 [2-2] Roots and Kagutsuchi 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 3 [2-9] Rumor of Treasures 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 1 [1-3] Rumors of Visitors 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 1 [2-4] Sabbath Tournament 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 4 [1-10] Sacred Stone Contest 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 4 [1-2] Sacred Stone Reset 6 Normal
Ch 1: Ep 5 [2-4] Sacred Stone Satna 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 3 [3-9] Sacred Stone Seeker 6 Normal
Ch 6: Ep 2 [1-4] Sacred Treasure's Whereabouts 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 4 [3-5] Sacrifice 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 2 [3-5] Salomo Again 6 Normal
Ch 4: Ep 3 [1-10] Same Goals, Different Ways 6 Normal
Ch 1: Ep 4 [3-3] Save Dias 6 Normal
Ch 1: Ep 1 [1-9] Save Naraba Village 6 Normal
Ch 1: Ep 1 [1-10] Saving the Rebels 6 Normal
Ch 6: Ep 3 [1-2] Scarlet Recollections 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 4 [1-9] Scattered 6 Normal
Ch 6: Ep 3 [2-6] Seclusion 6 Normal
Ch 4: Ep 2 [2-9] Second Confrontation 6 Normal
Ch 1: Ep 4 [1-5] Secrets 6 Normal
Ch 5: Ep 2 [2-2] Seeds Sown 6 Normal
Ch 4: Ep 1 [3-10] Seeing the Future Again 6 Normal
Ch 5: Ep 1 [2-1] Sephira Village 6 Normal
Ch 5: Ep 1 [3-5] Serpent in the Garden 6 Normal
Intermission 1-7 Seven Passions Drowning in "Envy" 6 Normal
Ch 3: Ep 2 [3-10] Severed Chains 6 Normal