AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code. You can download the game on iOS and Android.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Japan)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
鬼血呪印 Skill - -
血呪印 Skill - -
エナジーショット Skill Missile Physical
口寄・三首竜呪影 Skill Magic Physical
口寄・蝦蟇仙縛 Skill Magic Physical
口寄・大蛇業刻 Skill Magic Physical
妖殺手裏剣 Skill Slash Physical
神威転 Skill - -
神威転 Skill - -
朧影 Skill - -
攻撃スキル(ジンCC2) Attack Slash Physical
神威転 Skill - -
不動逆撃 Reaction - Physical
不動返し Reaction - Physical
口寄・蝦蟇仙流 Skill Magic Physical
口寄・大蛇業嵐 Skill Magic Physical
電遁 Skill Special Physical
嵐遁 Skill Special Physical
瀑遁 Skill Special Physical
朧雲手裏剣 Skill Missile Physical
金縛法 Skill Slash Physical
クレトCCジョブマスターボーナス Passive - -
双閃流 Passive - -
双閃光・活の型 Reaction - -
先刃夕紅 Reaction Slash Physical
紅炎遁 Skill Special Physical
紅速炎閃 Skill Slash Physical
紅速閃 Skill Slash Physical
二の太刀・双斬炎閃 Skill Slash Physical
先駆活陣 Skill - -
夕闇円 Skill Slash Physical
朧霞 Skill - -
双閃朧霞 Skill - -
攻撃スキル(クレト) Attack Slash Physical
不動返し Reaction - Physical
審判の光 Skill Magic Magical
陰走り Passive - -
朧雲手裏剣 Skill Missile Physical
朧霞 Skill - -
金縛法 Skill Slash Physical
嵐裂遁 Skill Special Physical
掟刻印 Skill - -
掟刻印 Skill - -
トリックオア… Skill - -
口寄・蝦蟇仙流 Skill Magic Physical
口寄・大蛇凄嵐 Skill Magic Physical
口寄・大蛇凄嵐 Skill Magic Physical
口寄・大蛇獄嵐 Skill Magic Physical
口寄・大蛇獄嵐 Skill Magic Physical
擬態トラバサミ Skill - -