AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code. You can download the game on iOS and Android.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Japan)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
先制スミ吐き Reaction - -
先制スミ吐き Reaction - -
先制スミ吐き Reaction - -
先制スミ吐き Reaction - -
先制スミ吐き Reaction - -
先制スミ吐き Reaction - -
先制スミ吐き Reaction - -
先制スミ吐き Reaction - -
先制スミ吐き Reaction - -
先制スミ吐き Reaction - -
先制スミ防御 Reaction - -
先制反撃 Reaction Slash Physical
先制墨 Reaction - -
先制墨吐き Reaction - -
先制墨殴り Reaction Strike Physical
先制墨&反応強化 Reaction - -
先制大乱射 Reaction Missile Physical
先制大乱射 Reaction Missile Physical
先制威嚇 Reaction - -
先制扇舞 Reaction Slash Magical
先制扇舞 Reaction Slash Magical
先制掌打 Reaction Strike Physical
先制石投げ Reaction Missile Physical
先制防衛システム【ガッツ無効】 Reaction Special None
先制防衛システム【固定ダメージ99999】 Reaction Special None
先制頭突き Reaction Strike Physical
先剣・牙双 Reaction Slash Physical
先剣牙滅 Reaction Slash Physical
先恵フォッグホーン Reaction - -
先手の刃・吸収 Reaction Slash Physical
先手の刃・吸収 Reaction Slash Physical
先手封じ! Additional Strike Physical
先手必勝 Reaction Strike Physical
先手必勝 Reaction Strike Physical
先手暗殺刃・会心 Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・会心 Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・会心 Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・器用さ Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・器用さ Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・器用さ Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・物攻 Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・物攻 Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・物攻 Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・物防 Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・物防 Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・物防 Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・素早さ Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・素早さ Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・素早さ Reaction Slash Physical
先手暗殺刃・運 Reaction Slash Physical