AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code. You can download the game on iOS and Android.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Japan)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
急降下攻撃Ⅱ Skill Pierce Physical
急降下攻撃Ⅲ Skill Pierce Physical
急降下攻撃Ⅳ Skill Pierce Physical
急降下攻撃Ⅰ Skill Pierce Physical
急降下攻撃Ⅱ Skill Pierce Physical
急降下攻撃Ⅲ Skill Pierce Physical
急降下攻撃Ⅳ Skill Pierce Physical
背面回し蹴り Skill Strike Physical
飛行突進突き Skill Pierce Physical
正面突き Skill Pierce Physical
上段回し蹴り Skill Strike Physical
カウンター突き Reaction Pierce Physical
空中機動師団の力 Passive - -
攻撃スキル(FF15_BEHEMOTH) Attack Slash Physical
尻尾攻撃 Skill Strike Physical
咆哮 Skill - -
しゃくりあげ Skill Strike Physical
踏みつける Reaction Strike Physical
尻尾攻撃 Skill Strike Physical
咆哮 Skill - -
しゃくりあげ Skill Strike Physical
踏みつける Reaction Strike Physical
攻撃スキル(FF15_M_CACT) Attack Strike Physical
針メテオ Skill Missile Physical
針万本 Skill Missile Physical
針万本 Skill Missile Physical
針万本 Skill Missile Physical
針千本 Reaction Missile Physical
攻撃スキル(FF15_MAGIC_ARM) Attack Strike Physical
機銃 Skill Missile Physical
にーはおジュエル Skill - -
垂直ミサイル Skill Missile Physical
榴散弾 Skill Missile Physical
機銃 Skill Missile Physical
垂直ミサイル Skill Missile Physical
榴散弾 Skill Missile Physical
槍雷撃 Reaction Pierce Physical
槍雷撃 Reaction Pierce Physical
攻撃スキル(FF15_MAGIC_SOL) Attack Slash Physical
エネルギー弾 Skill Missile Physical
回し蹴り Skill Strike Physical
攻撃スキル(FF15_GARURA) Attack Strike Physical
しゃくりあげ Skill Strike Physical
のしかかり Skill Strike Physical
大暴れ Reaction Strike Physical
攻撃スキル(FF15_GARURA) Attack Strike Physical
しゃくりあげ Skill Strike Physical
のしかかり Skill Strike Physical
大暴れ Reaction Strike Physical
攻撃スキル(FF15_MORUBORU) Attack Strike Physical