AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code. You can download the game on iOS and Android.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Japan)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
目つぶし Skill Strike Physical
ためる Skill - -
体調管理 Skill - -
回し蹴り Skill Strike Physical
発勁 Skill Strike Physical
衝撃波 Skill Strike Physical
乱撃 Skill Strike Physical
不動拳 Skill Strike Physical
闘神乱舞 Skill Strike Physical
カウンター Reaction Strike Physical
タフネス Passive - -
打撃の達人+1 Passive - -
攻撃スキル(STR) Attack Strike Physical
鉄拳突き Skill Strike Physical
サミング Skill Strike Physical
練気功 Skill - -
硬気功 Skill - -
操気功 Skill - -
旋風脚 Skill Strike Physical
【念装】ディアブロ念装真理念装ステータス Passive - -
気功掌 Skill Strike Physical
波動拳 Skill Strike Physical
不動爆裂拳 Skill Strike Physical
爆裂拳 Skill Strike Physical
不動爆裂拳 Skill Strike Physical
秘孔拳 Skill Strike Physical
武神乱舞 Skill Strike Physical
無双闘舞 Skill Strike Physical
無双闘炎舞 Skill Strike Physical
覇天闘舞 Skill Strike Physical
無双闘獄舞 Skill Strike Physical
砂竜拳舞 Skill Strike Physical
砂竜昇拳舞 Skill Strike Physical
クロスカウンター Reaction Strike Physical
剛体 Passive - -
打撃の達人+2 Passive - -
根性 Passive - -
チャクラ Skill - -
月のチャクラ Skill - -
気功拳 Skill Strike Physical
不死鳥の舞 Skill - -
窮鼠 Reaction Strike Physical
怒髪天 Passive - -
三重の極み Skill Strike Physical
爆裂三業拳 Skill Strike Physical
▼【闇属性耐性】自身-1~999敵用 Passive - -
千手三業拳 Skill Strike Physical
烈風脚 Skill Strike Physical
須佐能乎 Skill - -
須佐能乎 Skill - -