AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.
An invaluable crystal that can be exchanged for 2,222,222 Zeni.
A lump of gold that can be exchanged for 2,018,000 Zeni.
A lump of bronze that can be exchanged for 8000 Zeni.
A lump of silver that can be exchanged for 20,000 Zeni.
A lump of gold that can be exchanged for 80,000 Zeni.
A lump of gold that can be exchanged for 100,000,000 Zeni.
A prismatic crystal that can be exchanged for 160,000 Zeni.
New-and-improved Soul of a Squamate Shard that can be sold at a premium
This item can be exchanged for 2017 Zeni.
Warrior (Man) Soul Shard that can be sold at a premium