AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.
Collect 80 of these to create: Satchel of Resolve Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Sandstone Earrings Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Sandals of Dark Illumination Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Salvation Ribbon Diagram
Collect 20 of these to create: Saintly Pauldron
Collect 60 of these to create: Saint's Robe
Collect 80 of these to create: Saint Shield Diagram
Collect 60 of these to create: Sacred Shield Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Sacred Sephira Shroud Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Sacred Sake of Purification Diagram
Collect 60 of these to create: Sacred Lion Blade
Collect 60 of these to create: Sacred Fur Coat
Collect 10 of these to create: Sacred Dress
[Bishop Sacrament-Only Equipment Diagram Piece] Collect 80 of these to create: Sacrament Rod Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Saber Scarf Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Saber Ring Diagram
Collect 5 of these to create: Saber
Collect 80 of these to create: Saber Boots Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Saber Armor Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Sabel Veston Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Sabel Turban Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Sabel Shisha Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Sabel Revolver Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Sabel Hightops Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Sabel Bracelet Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Ryle's Scarf Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Ruinmaker's Glove
Collect 80 of these to create: Ruinmaker's Cape
Collect 80 of these to create: Ruinmaker's Boots
Collect 80 of these to create: Ruinmaker's Battledress
Collect 80 of these to create: Rugged Boots Diagram
[Dragon Cavalier [Rudra]-Only Equipment Diagram Piece] Collect 80 of these to create: Rudra Sphere Diagram
[Sage [Rozetta]-Only Equipment Diagram Piece] Collect 80 of these to create: Rozetta Medallion Diagram
Collect 60 of these to create: Royal Gauntlet
Collect 80 of these to create: Royal Commander's Winged Hairpin Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Roy's Fireproof Uniform Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Round Dragon Robe Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Rouge Long Boots Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Rotation Jacket Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Rosette Necklace Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Rose's High Boots Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Rose's Barrette Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Rose Clothes Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Romantic White Gloves Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Romantic White Coat Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Romantic White Boots Diagram
Collect 60 of these to create: Rod of Recovery Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Rockblast Anvil Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Robes of Arcanum Sanguine Diagram
Collect 80 of these to create: Roaring Lance Diagram