AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.
Collect 777 of these to create: Disruptor's Doll
Collect 777 of these to create: Chocolate Mooncake
Collect 777 of these to create: Flaming Dragon Pawn
Collect 777 of these to create: New Book of Truth - Rituals
Collect 777 of these to create: The First Person's Cross
Collect 777 of these to create: Disturbing Blindfold
Collect 777 of these to create: The Three Sprites' Jars of Ale
Collect 777 of these to create: Sephiron's Sceptre
Collect 777 of these to create: Sunny School Uniform
Collect 777 of these to create: Commemorative Costume (Fiona)
Collect 150 of these to create: Swift Blue Blade
Collect 777 of these to create: Eternal Hairpin
Collect 777 of these to create: Resonant Diadem
Collect 777 of these to create: Radiant Meteor
Collect 777 of these to create: Eternal Hairpin: Sakura Seal
777個集めると「アルトの紙飛行機」を生成することが出来るアイテム (錬成上限数:3)
Collect 777 of these to create: Cosmic Bangle
Collect 777 of these to create: Ring of Nox
Collect 777 of these to create: Ring of Sin Lumen
Collect 80 of these to create: Lag Axe [Lisanaut]
Collect 80 of these to create: Beast Spear [Cassius]
Collect 80 of these to create: Twin Sharp Blades Pioneer
Collect 777 of these to create: Cloak of Wrath
Collect 777 of these to create: Festive Ratty
Collect 777 of these to create: Slime Necklace
Collect 777 of these to create: Slime Plush
Collect 777 of these to create: Celebratory Scarf
Collect 777 of these to create: Red Overcoat
Collect 777 of these to create: Purple Cloud Ribbon
Collect 150 of these to create: Grane Shield
Collect 150 of these to create: Life Cuffs
Collect 777 of these to create: Reindeer Headband (Max Transmutation: 3)
Collect 777 of these to create: Jingle Ribbon
Collect 777 of these to create: Illuminating Snow Scarf
Collect 777 of these to create: Aras Handgun
Collect 777 of these to create: Variable Glove
Collect 777 of these to create: Punish Blade
Collect 777 of these to create: Dark Sovereign's Plushie
Collect 777 of these to create: Chemical Injector
Collect 777 of these to create: Inherited Shoulder Guard
Collect 777 of these to create: Machina Cestus
Collect 777 of these to create: Heavenly Splendor Flower
Collect 777 of these to create: Fallen Time Chronos Sphere
Collect 50 of these to create: Tricky Treats Basket