AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.
Collect 777 of these to create: Wadatsumi Brush
Collect 80 of these to create: Vulkan
Collect 150 of these to create: Vorpal Geo Blades
Collect 150 of these to create: Violent Minotaur Axe
Collect 777 of these to create: Vicious Wolf Piercings
Collect 777 of these to create: Vicious Battle Axe
Collect 777 of these to create: Vestiges of Murasaki
Collect 777 of these to create: Veil of Determination
Collect 777 of these to create: Variable Glove
Collect 777 of these to create: Vanyas Ale
Collect 80 of these to create: Valkyrie's Spear (Max Transmutation: 1)
Collect 150 of these to create: Valhalla Lance
This item can be used to evolve "Valentine's Charm"
Collect 777 of these to create: Utility Pouch
Collect 80 of these to create: Unyielding Staff
Collect 80 of these to create: Merciless Blades
Collect 777 of these to create: Unicorn Holiday Attire
Collect 777 of these to create: Unicorn Blade
Collect 80 of these to create: Unbreakable Greaves
Collect 150 of these to create: Umbrella Staff
Collect 150 of these to create: Twin Storm-Blades
Collect 80 of these to create: Twin Sharp Blades Pioneer
Collect 80 of these to create: Twin Sharp Blades Einsam
Collect 50 of these to create: Twin Sabers of Wrath
Collect 777 of these to create: Twin Letter
Collect 150 of these to create: Twilight Tarot
Collect 777 of these to create: Twilight Pistol
Collect 777 of these to create: Twilight Cape
Collect 150 of these to create: Tuuli Kantele
Collect 80 of these to create: Turquoise Cestus
Collect 80 of these to create: Truthseeker's Black Garb
Used to evolve Trusty Critter - Chip
Collect 80 of these to create: True Groom's Edge
Collect 50 of these to create: Tricky Treats Basket
Collect 777 of these to create: Trick or Treating Shoes
Collect 777 of these to create: Trick Deck
Collect these to create: Treasured Keepsake
Collect 777 of these to create: Treasure of the Great Deep
This item can be used to evolve "Trapezohedron"
Collect 777 of these to create:Tranquil Lance
Collect 80 of these to create: Tranquil Bow Alizehan
Collect 777 of these to create: Tracker's Boots
Collect 777 of these to create: Topiary Mace
Collect 50 of these to create: Tohsaka's Pendant
Collect 150 of these to create: Timestealer Scythe
Collect 150 of these to create: Tiger Kris
Collect 777 of these to create: Tiger Festive Ratty
Collect 80 of these to create: Tiferet Gun of Judgment
Collect 777 of these to create: Thunderwolf Spear
Collect 80 of these to create: Thunderous Emperor's Rudiarius