AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.
Collect 150 of these to create: Techno Flask
Collect 80 of these to create: Snowman Hat
Collect 50 of these to create: Excalibur
Collect 50 of these to create: Tohsaka's Pendant
Collect 50 of these to create: Storch Ritter
Collect 50 of these to create: Gate of Babylon
Collect 150 of these to create: Kanshou and Bakuya Swords
[The Alchemist Code Male Phantom Popularity Vote 4th Place Celebration] This set is packed with Magnus Soul Shards, required equipment for Magnus Job 3: Ninja, 150 shards for recommended 4★ gear, and equipment that is required for training.
[The Alchemist Code Male Phantom Popularity Vote 4th Place Celebration] This set is packed with Magnus Soul Shards, required equipment for Magnus Job 2: Machinist, 150 shards for recommended 4★ gear, and equipment that is required for training.
Collect 80 of these to create: Earthen Fortune Bells
Collect 80 of these to create: Divine Spirit Arrow
Collect 150 of these to create: Ogre Slaying Blade
Collect 80 of these to create: Spirit Kabutowari
Collect 150 of these to create: Giga Blaze Buster
Collect 80 of these to create: Meteor Launcher
Collect 150 of these to create: Rod of Blessing
Collect 150 of these to create: Staff of Thriving Business
Collect 80 of these to create: Hephaestus Hammer
[The Alchemist Code Male Phantom Popularity Vote 2nd Place Celebration] This amazing set is packed with required items for Othima. It contains Soul Shards, rare equipment, enhancement materials, and more. Thanks for voting!
Collect 80 of these to create: Excalibur
Collect 150 of these to create: Roaring Slash
Collect 80 of these to create: Slumber Blade Kuro
Collect 150 of these to create: Magia Cleric Gun
Collect 777 of these to create: Alchemist Code Memorial
Collect 80 of these to create: Battlefield Drama
Collect 80 of these to create: Sakura Blade
[The Alchemist Code Male Phantom Popularity Vote 2nd Place Celebration] This set is packed with Othima Soul Shards, required equipment for Othima Job 1: Phantom Master, 150 shards for recommended 4★ gear, and equipment that is required for training.
[The Alchemist Code Male Phantom Popularity Vote 2nd Place Celebration] This set is packed with Othima Soul Shards, required equipment for Othima Job 2: Enchanter, 150 shards for recommended 4★ gear, and equipment that is required for training.
Collect 80 of these to create: Forcas Hell Lance
Collect 80 of these to create: Bashosen Artifact
Collect 80 of these to create: Bow of Darkness
Collect 80 of these to create: Heart Choker
Collect 150 of these to create: Sanctuary Rod
Collect 150 of these to create: Vorpal Geo Blades
Collect 80 of these to create: Spinning Blade
Collect 150 of these to create: Golden Mallet
Collect 150 of these to create: Armor of Evil-Warding
Collect 150 of these to create: Glitter Guard
This item can be used to evolve "Trapezohedron"
Collect 80 of these to create: Muspell
Collect 80 of these to create: Brunhilde
Collect 80 of these to create: Demon's Club
Collect 80 of these to create: Overlord's Sword
Collect 80 of these to create: Elder Spear
Collect 777 of these to create: Prinny Sword
Collect 150 of these to create: Saint's Sacrifice
Collect 80 of these to create: Grace Lancer
Collect 150 of these to create: Atomic Jaeger
Collect 150 of these to create: Belva Gauntlet
Collect 150 of these to create: Belva Pendant