Extravagant Helmet

Type Equipment
Enhancer Pts 165
Enhancer Cost 49500
Zeni Cost 147550
Zeni Sales Price 14755
Tour Coins 5900
Soul Coins 7375
Basic Information
This helmet is a required piece of ceremonial wear. It is designed for Battle Mages, who possess high concentrations of Alchemia and magical energy inside them. It raises the wearer's maximum Jewels, allowing them to most effectively use their powers at important ceremonies.
[Battle Mage-Only Equipment] HP +30, PDEF +20, MATK +16, MDEF +6, Max Jewels +10, Petrify Res +8, Stop Res +8, Silence Res +8
Materials Zeni Cost
Equipment Stats
Type Min Max
HP +30 +45
PDEF +20 +30
MATK +16 +24
MDEF +6 +9
Max Jewels +10 +15
Petrify Res +8 +12
Stop Res +8 +12
Silence Res +8 +12