Cherished Pages

Type Equipment
Enhancer Pts 165
Enhancer Cost 49500
Zeni Cost 147550
Zeni Sales Price 14755
Tour Coins 5900
Soul Coins 7375
Basic Information
Books cherished by a man renowned for his skill in reading the flows of earth and water. They used to be owned by the man who saved him many years ago when he was young, and he wouldn't be the man he is today if he hadn't had the chance to study them. Most of them are precious, antique editions that are no longer in print.
[Hisham/Diviner of Earth and Water-Only Equipment] AGI +4, CRIT +20, DEX +18, Wind Res +2, Stun Res +7
Materials Zeni Cost
Equipment Stats
Type Min Max
AGI +4 +6
CRIT +20 +30
DEX +18 +27
Wind Res +2 +3
Stun Res +7 +11